I had to share another..this is a supervisor at one of our clients who we placed there, here is what he had to say…
“I’m forever grateful to April – she found me this job you know. I had been talking with her on and off for a long time. I was unemployed for almost a year you know. I told her I didn’t have any printing experience and she said, ‘just go down there and talk to them, OK?’ and I did and it was good but then she called me a week later and said ‘You’re meeting with the owner tomorrow’ and I said, ‘well I can’t, I have an interview tomorrow’ and she said, ‘No, you need to figure out how to meet with him tomorrow’ and so, I just did what she told me to do and I met with him. I called her and told her it went fine but I don’t think it’s going to turn into anything and she laughed and said, ‘well, I’m writing up an offer letter right now so it is something’ and then she told me I had to start on July 1st or something and I said ‘what the heck am I going to do for 2 days before the holiday?!’ and so, well, I started and I basically hung out for two days with the the owner and now look – here I am. This is the best job. Very stressful but very fun. When I hit 90 days everyone came out and gave me a round of applause and congratulated me. This is a family show around here, I really enjoy it and it’s been a helluva ride!”
What a great placement, he sat telling me about all of the transformations that have happened since he started and the difference he’s been able to make in the culture – we talk about “Fit” often, and this is a GREAT success story of finding the right “Fit”!
Happy Happy Friday!
Heather Farr, Managing Partner – Story Lover